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Purine riboside triphosphate

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Bioactivity Purine riboside triphosphate is a triphosphate derivative of purine riboside. Purine riboside is a naturally occurring base analog which closely resembles adenosine. Purine riboside inhibits carcinogenic growth. Purine riboside strongly inhibits RNA and DNA synthesis in different cancer ascites cells[1].
Name Purine riboside triphosphate
CAS 23197-96-8
Formula C10H15N4O13P3
Molar Mass 492.17
Transport Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere.

Please store the product under the recommended conditions in the Certificate of Analysis.

Reference [1]. Bohr V. Effects of purine riboside on nucleic acid synthesis in ascites cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1978;519(1):125-137.

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